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consistency challenge & catch up month

Knowledge will only get you so far, consistency will finish the journey

It's August and you've probably been heads down completing the programme material and growing your business. The likelihood is that your consistency has started to waiver and so we need to bring that back up again.

This month there are no new learnings and you are welcome to take a total break. If you would like something to do and want to take part in the consistency challenge then the details are below.

There are prizes to win and the added bonus is that it will help you create a habit of consistency.


Set Up



**The video mentions Trello but you will have been sent your checklist through Slack**
Either post as you go throughout the month or use a scheduler to give yourself some time off.


We are looking for:
1x post per day
1x story per day

1x reel per week (can be in lieu of a post)
1x blog per week

1x newsletter per week

1x scroll of #journorequest on twitter per week (we will cover this more in the pr module but scroll through and find anything you can respond to with a quick DM)

We will keep track throughout the month of how many checks you managed to tick off and prizes are given out based on quantity of things done.


Prizes are:
1st place - £85 Spa voucher

2nd place - £50 restaurant voucher

3rd place - £30 Amazon voucher

Taking part - sweeties of course!!!

Get posting!!!

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